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About us

Create the products that we always wished existed

We are a team of passionate analog photography enthusiasts, strived to creating photographic accessories with 3D printing. Working with a 280+ members community is our key to achieve creative ideas.
We believe personal customized product would challenge the traditional photographic equipment, and we are working on this.

“Elevanfilm is a creative team, the EMP projector just blow my mind for the image quality.”

LinksphotographPhotographer, Traveler

The Beginnings

The story of Elevanfilm began back to 2021 with me, Elevan. After a 30,000 km of long photography journey around China, which is one of my life goal. I was tired of my photography gears, which caused some trouble in my journey.
I decided to design my own gears, first step is always the hardest, I got an idea of slide projector, learned CAD and 3D print from zero. Show the prototype to my friends, and asked them if they want to start a new adventure with me.
We held up a small workroom, with one 3D printer, three desks, and a bunch of cameras, we’re on to go.

Moving Forward

The prototype EMP was well-received by our community, we received much encouragement and advisee. More and more analog photography enthusiasts joined our community. We started iteration by hearing from end-users, the 2nd and 3th edition came out quickly.
During the iteration, we found the endless possibilities of 3D printing, we are continuously able to tweak and fine-tune our designs thanks to the flexibility and limitless boundaries of 3D printing technology. With these help, we can develop more products such as film scanner, film developer, film viewer and so on. New ideas came up and we thought it’s time to go further.

Meet The Team

We are a team of five wonderful people, doing something we love, bouncing ideas off of each other, trying out crazy inventions, and having fun.

Founder, Chief Designer

Elevan Chan

Partner, Customer Service Specialist

Zhou Wei

Partner, 3D Printing Expert

Peng Junxiang


Wang Zhenxin

Designer, Photographer

Wang Yue